"There are literally dozens of randomized controlled trials on the effectiveness of [Cognitive Behavioral Therapy]." (back)

The treatment of social anxiety disorder. Thomas L. Rodebaugh, Robert M. Holaway, Richard G. Heimberg, Clinical Psychology Review, Volume 24, Issue 7, November 2004, Pages 883-908. (link)

Meta-analysis of cognitive-behavioral treatments for social phobia. Steven Taylor. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, Volume 27, Issue 1, March 1996, Pages 1-9. (link)

"Assertiveness has many studies supporting it as well.  In particular, in relieving anger and improving subjective well-being." (back)

“I’m so mad I could scream:” The effects of anger expression on relational satisfaction and communication competence. Laura K. Guerrero, Southern Communication Journal, Volume 59, Issue 2, 1994, Pages 125-141. (link)

Happiness and social skills. Michael Argyle, Lou Lu, Personality and Individual Differences, Volume 11, Issue 12, 1990, Pages 1255-1261. (link)

"Studies have shown that pictures like this trigger the amygdala in patients with social anxiety." (back)

Association between amygdala hyperactivity to harsh faces and severity of social anxiety in generalized social phobia.   K. Luan Phan, Daniel A. Fitzgerald, Pradeep J. Nathan, Manuel E. Tancer, Biological Psychiatry, Volume 59, Issue 5, March 1, 2006, Pages 424-429. (link)