Rate the activities on these sample hierarchies, or (ideally) write your own hierarchy of social activities and rate them on a 0-100 anxiety scale (with "100" being the most anxious you've ever felt and "0" being totally calm).
Passive Social Anxiety Hierarchy Anxiety (0-100)
Walking around the block once
Getting a cup of coffee then leaving
Having one drink alone at a coffee shop or bar
Sitting in a park for 30 minutes
Walking around a mall for 10 minutes
Slowly scanning the room at a coffee shop or bar
Buying one clothing item in a fashionable shop
Wearing new, fashionable clothes in public
Exercising at the gym
Going to the beach with friends
Going to a concert or sporting event with friends
Going to the beach alone
Watching a movie alone
Attending a concert or sporting event alone
Active Social Anxiety Hierarchy Anxiety (0-100)
Liking something on social media
Making a comment on social media
Posting something on social media
Inviting a good friend to watch a movie
Inviting a good friend to a meal with you
Inviting a good friend to watch a TV program at your house
Inviting a new friend to a movie
Inviting a new friend to watch a TV program with you at your house
Inviting a new friend to a meal with you
Saying good morning to one stranger on the street
Saying good morning to five strangers on the street
Asking a cashier how their day is going
Asking a cashier if they have seen any good movies lately
Asking a perfume lady at a mall to suggest an item for your mom
Asking for help at a trendy clothing store
Having a
Saying hello/good morning to one "attractive" person
Asking an "attractive" person how their day is going
Having a
Calling a new friend just to check in
Inviting a new friends to a video hangout
Going to a 3-4 person social event
Going to a 5-9 person social event
Going to a 10-19 person social event
Going to a 20-49 person social event